Prof. Giovanni B. Agus (President)
Degree in Medicine
Full Professor of Vascular Surgery, University of Milan
Prof. Mario Marazzi (Vice President)
Degree in Medicine and Surgery
Specialist in Digestive System Surgery and Surgical Digestive Endoscopy. Head physician of the Simple Unit of Tissue Therapy included in the Complex Unit of Plastic Surgery and Burn Unit of the A&E and Admission Department, Hospital Niguarda Cà Granda, Milan.
Dr. Giulia Bazzani (Ufficio di Presidenza)
Degree in Psychology. Specialist in Clinical Psycholody and Psychotherapy.
Phycologist at the Regional Reference Centre for Relational Issues, Hospital Careggi, Tuscany
Dr.Francesca Chellini (Presidency Bureau)
Degree in Nursing Science
Professional Nurse at the Osservatorio Lesioni Cutanee SAIO, Santa Maria Nuova, Florence
Dott.ssa Dalila Ranalletta (Ufficio di Presidenza)
Degree in Medicine, Specialist in Forensic Medicine
Head physician of a Complex Unit (Forensic Medicine, Disabilities and Rehabilitation)
Dr Laura Canavacci
Degree in Phylosophy
Contract Manager at the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Siena
Dr Paola Gobbi
Degree in Nusing and Obstetric Science
Nursing Office Manager at UOP Corberi di Limbiate (MB)
Prof. Salvatore Panico
Degree in Medicine
Professor of Clinical Methodology and Internal Medicine, Università Federico II Napoli, Naples
Dr. Alessandro Pellizzari
Journalist, Vice Managing Editor at Starbene, Mondadori
Dr. Raffaele Prodomo
Degree in Medicine and Phylosophy
Forensic Medicine Manager at INPS (Italian Social Security Service), Naples
Dr. Enrico Tendi
Degree in Pharmacy, Specialist in pharmacology
Member of the Ethics Committee at Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi, Florence
Dr. Ruggiero Zucchi
Degree in Medicine
Pain Treatment Unit Manager, Clinica Villa Luisa, Roma